After a campaign by local residents for a community garden in this area the GLC (Greater London Council) granted a licence for the Sunnyside plot, which volunteers turned from a derelict rubbish dump into a massive back garden for people living in near by flats. On Saturday 29th July 1978 Sunnyside Community Gardens had a grand opening party. It was a lovely hot day with puppets, clowns, music, pony rides and homemade teas. In 1992, Sunnyside Community Gardens became a registered charity (No 1092031) with the aims of providing horticultural therapy to people with special needs and to provide a community garden and wildlife reserve for local people to enjoy. You can see below an old newsletter from when we first opened with a picture of the site before it was made into a community garden. It is really impressive to see how local people have turned a rubbish dump into a little oasis for people and wildlife. It is also lovely to see that local people have been having fun here for so long.