We used to have a community building at Sunnyside but this was burned down in 2013. Now, we work out of a converted shipping container that is rusting away, a toilet block (the remains of the original building) and a collection of metal sheds. This makes us a fair weather experience for all but the most hardy and fit members of the community. We need to replace our these run down structures to expand and upgrade our inside space.
We are fundraising for a fully accessible, welcoming and environmentally sustainable “garden room” where our volunteers, especially those with limited mobility and ill health can stay warm and dry whilst at Sunnyside. This will be a space that will be able to host our community. It will fulfil a range of purposes so we can adapt over time to best help local residents.
It will cost us about £365,000k to build this new building and courtyard, and we are working hard to raise the first £5,000 of this from small donations from our local community.
If you would like to donate, please click here to go to our GoFundMe page.

Our dream of a garden room for all the community

Our old building that was burnt down in 2013